National Defense Academy / Suburbs

A suburb is an armed run. Form a squad (7-8 people?) And run several kilometers while carrying your luggage. The course is National Defense Academy + α. This competition is also pretty tough. The actual performance will be the competition of each battalion and each squad.
National Defense Academy / Inner love
About 10% of the National Defense Academy students are female students.
If the ratio of men and women is 9: 1 and they stay on the same site for 24 hours, love will grow.
For the time being, at the National Defense Academy, romance between students is prohibited by school rules. It was often said that "National Defense Academy is not a place to nurture love."
Even so, almost all the female students fell in love with each other, and they were mostly spread around.
Even if the relationship ends due to the entanglement of lust, life on the same site and building will continue unless you drop out. You may have to meet every day.
Even more, if you go out with a nearby sync, you won't be able to see it.
Basically, there is no element that works positively from the viewpoint of training. However, love blinds people. No one can stop the passion.
In terms of feeling, one or two people died each year, and just knowing that, several people were trying.
The average annual suicide rate of Japanese people is around 17/100,000.
National Defense Academy is about four times the average of 1/1500.
In particular, there are many suicides in the 1st and 4th grades. In addition, the bereaved family often requested "cause of death: heart attack".
Almost all causes of suicide are relationships. Most of the relationships come from the pressure and harassment of senior students. I don't know now, but the National Defense Academy is mentally tough.
100th day festival
It is held by all the battalions about 100 days before the 4th grade graduates.
Manzai, gag, and one-shot performances will be shown, and the room will be lively while eating sweets.
At the end, the created interesting movie will be played.
It was quite elaborate and many students were looking forward to it.
Student / National Defense Academy / Poltergeist Phenomenon
First of all, as a background, the current High Technical School uses the base that was used before the former military as it is. Many people have died in the past, including training accidents.
At the National Defense Academy, students commit suicide almost every year, and students who suffer from mental illness gather every day.
The building I lived in was called the old building and probably existed from the prewar period. That's how old the building was.
In particular, there may be few college students who lived in the old building and have never experienced the Poltergeist phenomenon. Below is what I have experienced or heard.
● Extensions continue to be in the middle of the night (silence even if you pick up the phone) → Often.
● The phone rings even though the phone line is not connected → There was only once when I was in the first grade.
● The emergency bell operates even though I haven't pressed it → It happened only once when I was in the first grade.
● The door closes even though there is no wind → It is common.
● Broadcast in the middle of the night → There are several times.
● There is no one in the room where people entered → 2-3 times
that's all.