I have been in a children's facility since I was born.

But not an orphan.
Immediately after I was born, I was entrusted to the facility.
The facility I was in was a very large facility.
In one huge site, the place where babies live, the place where infants live, the place where school children live, the place where junior and senior high school students live, etc. were all included.
There was a nursery school in the facility.
It is a double-decker building with a garden with playset in front of you.

Around me, children of the same age are taking a nap after watching an a
nimation for children.
All are children of the facility. My memory when I was 3 years old, this is the first memory I have left now.
Looking out the window, warm light was shining in. That was probably
I didn't know the concept of "parent" until I entered elementary school.
The person who took care of me was a nursery teacher who was called "Sister".
A monk called "Sister".
I didn't know the outside world, so I regarded it as a good person to take care of my children.