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FDO (Flexible Deterrent Options)

FDO is to convey the intention and determination of the country to the other party who is creating the crisis and to deter it through various tools of DIME (Diplomat: diplomacy, Intelligence: information, Military: military, Economy: economy) in the event of a crisis. Is. For example, China was in the Taiwan crisis in 1996. At that time, in response to China's missile exercises in the Taiwan Strait to interfere with the Taiwan presidential election, the United States sent two aircraft carriers to the waters near the Taiwan Strait, discouraging further actions by China.

Japan's FDO

According to the Defense of Japan in the first year of Reiwa,

"In response to the situation in the gray zone from normal times, we will increase our presence through active joint training and exercises and overseas port calls, show Japan's will and ability, and include activities by such SDF units. Promote effective communication in unison with diplomacy. In addition, by utilizing the capabilities in all areas, we will constantly collect information, monitor alerts, and conduct reconnaissance over a wide area around Japan, and make flexible choices. Prevent the occurrence and seriousness of the situation by deterrence measures. "

The above describes strategic communication (SC) and flexible choice of deterrence (FDO) separately. Both are similar and different. Regarding SC, refer to the following description in Japan's national security strategy.

In promoting the national security policy, we will proactively and effectively disseminate the idea both inside and outside the country, and with the official residence as the command tower, we will disseminate unified and strategic information with the government as a whole, and various information technologies. We will strengthen the transmission in foreign languages ​​through various media while making the best use of.

Taking into account the explanation of the Defense of Japan, it would mean communicating by disseminating information by making full use of all means as a nation in order to promote policies and objectives. In other words, while FDO means deterrence using all means in the event of a crisis, SC focuses on disseminating information to achieve its objectives, not just in the military.

Japan's defense is based on the Japan-US alliance. According to the US-Japan guidelines signed in 2015,

"The Governments of Japan and the United States need to take these measures based on flexible, timely and effective bilateral coordination according to each situation, and for the appropriate response as an alliance. Recognizing that inter-ministerial coordination is essential. Therefore, the US and Japanese governments will, where appropriate, utilize a government-wide alliance coordination mechanism for the following purposes: -Evaluate the situation-Information To share and to develop ways to implement appropriate responses as an alliance, including flexible choices of deterrence and actions aimed at mitigating the situation. "

In the event of a gray zone or conflict crisis from normal times, deterrence measures will be taken in cooperation with the United States. In FDO, diplomacy, information, military, and economics are utilized to achieve synergistic effects by combining these elements in a cross-cutting manner.

According to the Joint Staff Officer's Guide in the United States, the means of FOD are as follows.


(1) Sanctions on C4I technology licensing, (2) Protection of C4I assets, (3) Press releases (government announcement), (4) Strengthening public information gathering


(1) Efforts to solve problems, (2) Weak diplomatic ties, (3) Acquisition of support from alliances and partner countries, (4) Evacuation of Japanese nationals abroad

Military affairs

(1) Strengthening the collection of reconnaissance information, (2) Convening reserve personnel, (3) Starting unit actions, (4) Exercises around the crisis area, (5) Carrier strike group / fleet deployment


(1) Suspension of support programs, (2) Freezing of foreign assets, (3) Trade sanctions, (4) Restrictions on cooperative projects, (5) Forfeiture of real estate

The alliance coordination mechanism, which is a means of cooperation between the US and Japanese governments, as set forth in the 2015 US-Japan Guidelines, is expected to involve discussions and information sharing mainly by stakeholders based on diplomacy and defense.

Can the Japanese side respond in line with the United States, especially in terms of the economy? And it is unknown whether everything can be done in collaboration across disciplines.

The FDO will take steps to prevent escalation in the early stages from the gray zone to the conflict. In the case of Japan's most threatening southwestern emergency, it takes place before China takes military action on the Senkaku Islands and the Pre-Island Islands.

As recently reported, the Ground Self-Defense Force's ground-to-ship / air force and the Air Self-Defense Force's warning force have already begun to strengthen their deployment, and joint training between Japan and the United States is being conducted in the surrounding air and sea areas.

In addition, from early to mid-October this year, aircraft carriers from Japan, the United States, Britain, and Orchids are jointly conducting training. Judging from these situations, it should be said that ①③④⑤ of the military FDO is already underway.

As mentioned earlier, FDO cannot be more effective unless it is done across disciplines. Looking at the situation in Japan, it seems that the military field is taking measures for deterrence in a timely and appropriate manner. On the other hand, as far as daily reports are concerned, no measures have been taken for deterrence in the order of diplomacy <information <economy. The ministries and agencies are not in line.

Originally, like the SC stipulated in the National Security Strategy, the government should take the initiative of the government to deal with it, but for FDO, the Ministry of Defense is the main axis, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is only a little involved. Not broken. (Although there is a possibility of a strategy of getting along well in economics and diplomacy and responding in the military) In any case, if escalation exceeds the current situation, some response will be required in fields other than the military. The official residence and the National Security Agency will operate and respond to these in an integrated manner. It was

I would like to see how China's future actions and the corresponding Japanese and US governments will deter in the fields of diplomacy, information, military, and economy.








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